Home > Playbook-Utilities


Playbook-Utilities is a project mainly written in ActionScript, it's free.

A library of Blackberry Playbook utilities for Actionscript

Basic set of utilities for use with the Blackberry Playbook Actionscript SDK. These have evolved from a bunch of classes that I've used to help me with a few basic Playbook applications. I figured to ease reuse I may as well put them in a library and get them out there for others to use and improve.

The library currently contains:

  • View management tools (com.craigshaw.playbook.view)
  • Scrolling label control (com.craigshaw.playbook.components)

Usage: It's a basic Flex Library Project that links against the Blackberry Playbook SDK libraries. To use it, simply pull the latest version of the source and then import into Flex Builder. You might have to update the compiler settings to point to your Playbook libraries. On my machine as I write this, they are the SWC at

C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Builder BurritoAdobe Flash Builder Burritosdkslackberry-tablet-sdk-0.9.3frameworkslibsairqnx-air.swc

and the SWC folder at

C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Builder BurritoAdobe Flash Builder Burritosdkslackberry-tablet-sdk-0.9.3frameworkslibsqnx-screen

Create a new Blackberry project and add a reference to the PlaybookUtilities project through the compiler settings. Then you're good to go. Enjoy!
