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Playmanager is a project mainly written in JAVA and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A Tomcat-Manager like Application for Play Framework based Applications

h1. Welcome to Play! Manager!

Play! Manager is a Web-Application (based on the Java Play! Framework) for managing Play! Applications, similar to the Tomcat-Manager, but instead of deploying a .war File you deploy your zipped Play! Application. You can start, stop, deploy and redeploy your Application. Addionally you can access the log file (system.out) and the current status (play status) of your Application.

For me, deploying Play Application is a lot easier now. Instead of zipping, uploading via FTP, unpacking, stopping the old Application, copying the new Application and restarting the new Application, I just upload the .zip file.

h1. Settings

You have to configure the following settings in /conf/application.conf in order to get Play! Manager up and running:

@app.playpath=PATH TO PLAY (e.g. D:\play\play.bat)@ @app.appsdirectory=PATH TO YOUR PLAY APPLICATIONS (e.g. D:\play-apps\)@ @app.appstempdirectory=PATH TO A TEMP FOLDER (e.g. D:\play-apps\tmp\)@

The Application has a HTTP-Basic-Authentication, with the following default values:

@Username: play@ @Password: manager@

It is highly recommend to change those values, which you find find also in the /conf/application.conf.

h1. Installation

  • Download the latest version of Play! Manager
  • Unpack
  • Run @play id@ and set id to @prod@
  • Run @play start@ to start Play! Manager (Make sure that the Terminal you start Play! Manager has administrative rights!)

Play! Manager is now running at

See the Play manual on how to set Play in a more productive environment, like "Setting up a frontal HTTP server":http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.2.1/guide11

h1. Requirements

Currently Play! Manager only works on Windows. It is tested on Windows 7 (64-bit) and Windows Server 2008.

h1. Stuff

"flattr Play! Manager":https://flattr.com/thing/343950/Play-Manager

"svenkubiak // play":http:/play.svenkubiak.de (german)