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PLSEO is a project mainly written in PHP and SHELL, it's free.

SEO tools in the form of PHP classes and tools


This is a set of stand-alone SEO tools, meant to be run on their own and the output captured and used in some fashion.


The tools can be run on their own or as a library. To run them on their own have a look at the .sh file in the repo - it should give you ideas on how to get it running and how to create similar .bat scripts for windows.

To run it as a library, you just need to include the searchclient.php file, instantiate a SearchClient object, and set a few settings on that - then you can call findRankings() and getSiteRankings() on the object and you should get the data output from the search.


The output of findRankings() is a multi-dimension array, the layout of which differs depending upon your settings. If you're just requesting rankings for one keyword, your output should look like (multiple sites makes no difference to the output as it returns search engine hits by keyword): array( 'engine' => array( page_number => array( hit_number => array( 'url' => hit url, 'headline' => headline of search hit ) ) ) )

If you're querying multiple keywords, output is wrapped in an array, like: array( keyword => array( 'engine' => array( page_number => array( hit_number => array( 'url' => hit url, 'headline' => headline of search hit ) ) ) ) )

The output of getSiteRankings() will display how the domains you queried rank in the search findings. The output looks like (for single keywords): array( domain => array( engine => rank ) )

If you're querying for multiple keywords, the above is wrapped in an array, like this: array( keyword => array( domain => array( engine => rank ) ) )

A ranking of null means "not found" in the returned pages.


You can contact the author - Peter Lind - of the tools on [email protected]
