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Plugtest is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Some ODF files which might be interesting for testing office applications.

This was originally put together by Ben Martin in 2011 for the Berlin ODF plugfest.

Each directory contains the original odt source file and the output form saving using calligra and abiword, both as an odt file and expanded into a subdirectory for ease of exploration.

For example, the hike directory the weekend-hike.odt is the original, weekend-hike-abiword-out.odt is the result of loading weekend-hike.odt in abiword and saving it again. Likewise weekend-hike-calligra-out.odt is the result of loading weekend-hike.odt and saving it again.

Note that abiword saves the RDF back into manifest.rdf instead of the individual source RDF/XML files from which the triples came.

Versions: Abiword: 2.9.1

Calligra is from git at around the 12th of July 2011. More precisely: $ cat .git/refs/heads/master 0a3741ba8dceae49bab1944cae45367fb8e87dce

For comparison of RDF/XML, one might like to thse the rdf-cat script. It has evolved from direct redland use to going through soprano. Soprano should already be available on any recent KDE 4.x desktop machine. If not, one might wish to use the redland "rdfproc" commands left in comments instead.

$ cat /home/ben/bin/rdf-cat


TMPDIR=print-rdf-id -u rm -rf /tmp/$TMPDIR TMPDIR=/tmp/$TMPDIR mkdir /$TMPDIR



sopranocmd --backend redland --serialization $FMT import "$SRCDIR/$1" sopranocmd --backend redland list

rdfproc soprano parse "$SRCDIR/$1" $2

rdfproc soprano print | sort

FWIW the original odt file was generated from source files using a command like the following:

$ cd zip_contents ; \ find . -name .svn -prune -or \ -name "*~" -or \ -print | zip -@ ../weekend-hike.odt