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Hooklib is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the MIT license.

A JavaScript library that allows you to "hook" other functions


A JavaScript library that allows you to "hook" other functions.


HookLib can be installed as an NPM module, or used in a browser. To use in a browser, simply include the hooklib.js script file in your HTML page. The functions exported by the module are available in the global variable named HookLib.

exported module functions

addHookSite(object, property)

Adds a hook site for the function available at object[property]. The hook site is returned as an HookSite object. Once called, the specified function is "hooked". If the function is already hooked, the already existing hook site is returned.

getHookSite(object, property)

Returns a HookSite object for the function available at object[property], if a hook site has been added. If no hook site has been added to the function, returns null.


Runs the specified function disabling all hooks for the duration of the function.

HookSite objects

The object returned from the addHookSite() and getHookSite() functions is a HookSite object. These objects have the following methods:


Adds the specified hooks to the hook site. The hooks parameter should be an object with the following properties:

  • before - a function called before the hooked function is called
  • after - a function called after the hooked function is called
  • except - a function called if the hooked function throws an exception
  • userData - a place to store your goodies

You do not need to set all the properties, if you don't need thm.

The before function is called as follows:

before.call(hooks, receiver, args)

The after function is called as follows:

after.call(hooks, receiver, args, result)

The except function is called as follows:

except.call(hooks, receiver, args, e)

The parameters to these functions:

  • this - for each function invocation, this will be set to the hooks object.
  • receiver - the this value the hooked function was invoked with
  • args - the Arguments object the hooked function was invoked with
  • result - the result of the hooked function invocation
  • e - the exception thrown during the hooked function invocation


Removes the specified hooks to the hook site. The hooks parameter must be the same object previously passed to the addHooks() function.


function before(receiver, args) {
    console.log("--> document.createElement(" + args[0] + ")")

function after(receiver, args, result) {
    console.log("<-- document.createElement(" + args[0] + "): " + result)

function except(receiver, args, e) {

var userData = {
    invocations: 0,
    exceptions:  0,

var hookSite = HookLib.addHookSite(document, "createElement")

    before:   before,
    after:    after,
    except:   except,
    userData: userData

function windowResized() {
    console.log("window resized")


HookLib.ignoreHooks(function() {


console.log("invocations: " + userData.invocations)
console.log("exceptions:  " + userData.exceptions)

This will produce the following output:

--> document.createElement(b)
<-- document.createElement(b): [object HTMLElement]
--> document.createElement(null)
<-- document.createElement(null): undefined
--> document.createElement(i)
<-- document.createElement(i): [object HTMLElement]
invocations: 3
exceptions:  1


Some ideas from "AOP aspect of JavaScript with Dojo" by Eugene Lazutkin.
