Home > PoC-Stack-for-TCP-Simultaneous-Connection


PoC-Stack-for-TCP-Simultaneous-Connection is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

Acts as a TCP Stack which handles SYN , SYN-ACK and responds with a New SYN . Part of the research work on the concept of mitigating DoS attacks using simultaneous connection initiation.

Acts as a TCP Stack which handles SYN , SYN-ACK and responds with a New SYN . Part of the research work on the concept of mitigating DoS attacks using simultaneous connection initiation.

Enter this IPTABLE Entry in linuc to test this PoC ,

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j DROP

Try testing this with a browser for the above IPTABLE config. Modify this as you like.

Make sure you have installed the the libpcap library for C.

Use the linker 'pcap' while compiling , just like the below one.

Any Queries ? Send me a mail @ [email protected]

USAGE : gcc -o blender blender.c -lpcap $blender

Example :

$blender wlan0
