Home > PoisonFood


PoisonFood is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Bukkit Plugin - Allows food to have a chance of being poisoned


| 1.Introduction | | 2.Dependencies | | 3.Compatibility | | 4.Usage | | 5.Bugs and Features | | 6.Changelog | | 7.Copyright | | 8.Download | |_____|


PoisonFood is a Bukkit plugin writen by PrivateAlpha. It allows for various minecraft food types to have the chance of poisoning the player consuming it. This is achieved by rolling a random between 1-100 and then asessing if the roll lies between 1 - modifier.





Simply drop the plugin into your plugins folder and reload your server. It will generate its own folder and config. To edit the config simply open with a text editor and chage the values.

PoisonChance = chance out of 100 that it will be poisoned PoisonDamage = amount of damage dealt to the player Damage is measured in half hearts i.e. 5 = 2.5Hearts

Permissions: PoisonFood.immunity.cake PoisonFood.immunity.cookie PoisonFood.immunity.rawFish PoisonFood.immunity.cookedFish PoisonFood.immunity.rawPork PoisonFood.immunity.cookedPork PoisonFood.immunity.apple PoisonFood.immunity.goldenApple PoisonFood.immunity.soup PoisonFood.immunity.bread

5.Bugs and Features

Please report all bugs here: http://github.com/The414s/PoisonFood/issues

Also remember to include(use pastebin.com) the .log file within plugins/PoisonFood/


1.2 - added yml,permissions 1.1 - Fixed Namespace 1.0 - Release


        Copyright (C) <2011>  <The414s>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,see <www.gnu.org/licenses/> .


1.2 - http://github.com/downloads/The414s/PoisonFood/PoisonFood%201.2.jar 1.1 - http://github.com/downloads/The414s/PoisonFood/PoisonFood%201.1.jar 1.0 -