Home > poker_game


Poker_game is a project mainly written in Java, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

This is an implementation of a small Poker game I got as a coding project.

The Poker Game

What is this?

This is an implementation of a small Poker game I got as a coding project. I was asked to do it in Java. Not having been exposed to Java before, I picked it up in about an hour and got to coding this. This is the first Java program I've ever written, so I'm not expecting it to be perfect. To anyone reading this: Please let me know if there is anything I could improve upon in the future.

I didn't have a chance to write an evaluate function to evaluate players' hands after all cards have been dealt, but I've included the pseudocode for how I would go about finding the winning hand. All other useful functions that I could think of have been implemented.

What did you test this on?

I've tested this on Mac OS X - Version 10.6.6 using javac v1.6.0_22.

How do I run this?

To run this small application, simply run the following commands:

javac Game.java
java Game

It should run immediately after.
