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Polish is a project mainly written in PYTHON and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

"Extras" for Sparkle to more easily generate appcast / release notes, and support cumulative release notes. Polish your software so it'll Sparkle even brighter!

Polish, utilities for Sparkle

'Polish your software so it will Sparkle even brighter!'


Polish is a set of tools meant to complement Sparkle, by making appcasts and release notes simpler to create and maintain.

It also adds support for something I call 'cumulative release notes', which basically means that a user upgrading from 0.1 to 0.4 will not just see the changes in 0.4 (current Sparkle behavior), but also changes in any intermediate updates, like 0.2 and 0.3.

Eventually I intend to add support for capturing system profile information (or extract it from web server logs) and slightly unrelated - tools to create and submit usage statistics from your Cocoa app.


There are a few simple steps needed to get started with Polish. I've tried designing Polish to be as close to zero-setup as possible, but there is some action required.

(If you have thoughts on how to make this easier for first-time users, contact me!)

  1. Copy config.dist.py to config.py, and edit it. Read Configuration Options for a more in-depth description of these options.
  2. Create release information for your tool in releases/. Copy example.yaml to $VersionNumber.yaml, e.g. 0.1.yaml, edit and save. Filename is important!
    • You will probably want to read Sparkle's page about publishing updates on instructions on how to sign your release and get the signature, which you need for your release YAML.
    • You can use LC_TIME=en_US date +"%a, %d %b %G %T %z" to generate the date for the 'date' field.
    • Version numbers must be an unbounded number of integers separated by periods. Apple recommends using at most 3 components (x.y.z).
  3. Generate appcast and release notes, using ./generate appcast > appcast.xml and ./generate releasenotes > releasenotes.html.
  4. Copy appcast.xml, releasenotes.html, html/polish.js and html/polish.css to your webserver. Put the zip of your app into a subdir called 'updates' unless you changed 'release_dir' and 'release_url', and name it MyExampleApp 0.1.zip - the filename must be in this format, where MyExampleApp is whatever you set app_name to in config.py, and 0.1 is the name of the release description file minus the extension.

That's it! Point your Sparkle setup to this new appcast, and you should be good to go. See Sparkle Setup for more information on how to set your app up with Sparkle and set the appcast URL.

For a more complete description of initial setup, see Initial Setup. For a more complete description of the steps to add a new release, see Publishing An Update.

Further customization

If you want to customize it more, you can change the files in template/ for the HTML and XML layout of the release notes and the appcast, respectively. See Templates for more information about these.

For setups that aren't compatible with the default config, see Configuration Options for a complete documentation of the available configuration options and their values.

When a release for some reason doesn't fit the standard bill in some way, there are some overrides you can put in a release info file to customize it farther. You can see Release Description for an overview of these.
