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Pomp is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the View license.

jQuery plugin to do HTML5 postMessage communication


pomp.js is a bare-bones jQuery plugin to facilitate HTML5 postMessage cross-domain communication.

Getting Started

To use pomp.js to allow a page hosted on client.example.com to easily make requests to server.example.org:

  1. Copy proxy.html some place on server.example.org. Let's say that's http://server.example.org/proxy.html

  2. Edit the allowed_urls line in proxy.html:

    var allowed_urls = [ RegExp("^/api/"), RegExp("^/version$") ]

    This is a whitelist of server.example.org URLs that it will accept for proxying.

  3. On a page on client.example.com, do what example.html does:

    • create a channel using $.fn.pomp.createChannel. The first argument is an arbitrary label for the channel, the second argument is the URL where you put proxy.html

    • Call $.fn.pomp.sendMessage() when you want to send a message. The first argument is the label of the channel. The second argument is a hash of request properties, whose meaning is exactly what they are when used with $.ajax(). "type" and "url" are required; "contentType", "processData", and "data" are optional. The third argument is a callback that will be invoked with the response body.

  4. Luxuriate in your delightful cross-domain communication.

Further Thoughts

There's no fallback to communication using location.hash or anything like that if the active browser doesn't support HTML5 postMessage. ¡Viva la Revolución!

Channel labels allow you to have multiple channels on a page and send messages to each of them independently.

Internally, pomp.js assigns each message a unique ID so that the callbacks are routed properly.

Some nice future enhancements might be:

  • allowing different success and error callbacks

  • taking the per-message callbacks from success and error elements of the request properties instead of a separate argument

  • Allowing for some restriction of messages being send/received only with certain origins.

  • returning more than just response body (status code, etc.)
