Home > pool_coaster


Pool_coaster is a project mainly written in PERL and RUBY, it's free.

Swift passive coaster pool

Coaster Pool generator

Description: This set of scripts creates configuration files and workflows to request pilot jobs to OSG. Author: Allan Espinosa Date: 2010 November 24


  1. start_services.sh - Starts coaster services Usage: start_services.sh [number of services]

  2. mkcatalog.rb - Generates sites.xml files for submitting condor, coaster and gram2 jobs to a list of OSG jobs. The whitelist is formatted as [GlueSiteUniqueID][GlueCEInfoHostName] per site. Usage: mk_catalog.rb [whitelist] []

  3. nqueue.rb - Submits pilot coaster jobs to a list of sites by saturating it queueing n-jobs at a time. Usage: nqueue.rb [whitelist]

Example usage

Here, an app called 'extenci' will be installed on the SPRACE site resource.

  1. Create a whitelist file.

$ cat > whitelist << EOF SPRACE_osg-ce.sprace.org.br EOF

  1. Generated gram2 sites.xml (gt2_osg.xml) file.

$ ./mk_catalog.rb whitelist extenci

  1. Upload worker.pl script to the site. The setup.k script also cleans up the data directory of the site.

$ swift setup.k

  1. Spawn 2 coaster services. The first one is for PADS.

$ ./start_services.sh 2

  1. Configure the service to run in passive mode. Any swift job that will use coaster_osg.xml can be used aside from the slave.swift script.

$ swift -config swift.properties -sites.file coaster_osg.xml slave.swift

  1. Request coaster jobs. The script will request (2.5 * total_cpus) pilot jobs throughout the duration of the workflow

    Method 1: via direct condor-g

$ ./nqueue.rb whitelist

Method 2: via swift

$ swift -config swift.properties -sites.file condor_osg.xml worker.swift

  1. Run your workflow. Here, the sleep.swift sample included in the package will be used.

$ swift -config swift.properties -sites.file coaster_osg.xml sleep.swift
