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Pooling-web-server is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

A pooling web server in Java

A simple pooling webserver


  • Pooling using java.util.concurrent.Executor
  • Static file serving
  • Http Keep-alive handling
  • Experimental implementation using pooling and nio


This contains two implementations of a pooling webserver:

SimplePooledWebServer: The main thread waits and accepts connections and then schedules processing of the connection with the executor. If keep-alive is enabled the thread keeps waiting for requests for a certain time.

NioPooledWebServer: NioPooledWebServer is an experimental implementation, which uses java.nio to manage the currently idle keep-alive connections along with new connections in the main thread. See the source code for more explanation how this works.


SimplePooledWebServer - The main class accepting connections and scheduling processing of requests Settings - Global configuration Handler - An abstraction of a component handling incoming requests in their own thread. HttpHandler - An abstract handler doing basic Http Request/Response handling StaticHttpFileHandler - A HttpHandler serving static files from the file-system PingHandler - An example handler echoing requests directly back to the client

NioPooledWebServer - A more sophisticated web server using both pools and java.nio to manage keep-alive connections in the main thread.


This is a proof of concept of a pooling web server. The real work is finding out the best settings for pooling and timeouts.

In a productive environment you would probably use existing solutions for pooling and socket handling. E.g. the Jetty webserver or Apache MINA.


With Maven installed, use mvn exec:java to run the simple webserver. Edit the pom.xml if you want to run the Nio-version.
