Home > Git2


Git2 is a project mainly written in C and PERL, it's free.

Tentative bindings for libgit2 (EXPERIMENTAL)

Perl bindings for libgit2 started during the Amsterdam QA hackathon.


This is far from being finished yet. Keep in touch or simply send patches!

Please bear in mind that libgit2 is currently a moving target, with severe API incompatibilities introduced every release. It could be possible to insulate users of this module from these changes, but that decision has not yet been made. As such, please do not consider the API under Git2:: stable until the maintainers declare it so.

For a grid listing the state of these incompatibilities, see: http://linuxtesting.org/upstream-tracker/versions/libgit2.html

To build, use:

perl Makefile.PL && make && make test

Under OS X you need to link the library by hand, because the toolchain fails to do it :(

perl Makefile.PL && make && ./osx-link.sh && make test

To run the unit tests individually simply do:

perl -Mblib t/git.t