Home > Programming-Language-PRPR


Programming-Language-PRPR is a project mainly written in RUBY and PYTHON, based on the MIT license.


Copyright Tomoki Imai. The License is MIT License.

Programming PRPR requires following software.

Ruby. Racc.(if you build own PRPR) Python.

How to use. move progprpr dir.

prpr need indents like python.

$ ./prpr . Like ruby,you can use stdin.

syntax. you can use following mathmatic syntax.

a + b. -> return a plus b.

a - b. -> return a minus b.

a * b. -> return a multiple b

a / b. -> return a divide b.

a mod b. -> return remainder of "a divide b".

-calc remainder. -ex. 5 mod 4 is 1. 4.5 mod 3 is 1.5. -in some other programming language, mod is %.

a ^ b. -> return a power b.

-cal power. -ex. 5^3 means 555. -in some other programming language, ^ is **.

a is b. -> return true if a=b.false if a not = b.

-ex,5is5 return true. 4 is 3 return false. -in some other programming language, "is" is ==.

In prpr,there is no difference intger and float. It means,there is only float. Prpr also have strings.

"String". -> return "String".

-In prpr,no high function for strings. -Because,prpr is for mathmatics. -but,I'm planning to add some functions.

print a. ->output value a to stdout.

a = b. make a b.

In prpr,there is "for" and "if".

for "initialize expression" to "condition expression" do: <-->expressions

At first,"init exp" will be evaled. while "condition expression" returned false, eval expressions again and again.

if syntax.

if "condition exp" then: <-->expressions

If "condition exp" returned true,expressions will be evaled. if syntax can have else.

if "condition exp" then: <-->true expressions else: <-->false expressions

If "condition exp" returned true,true expressions will be evaled. if "condition exp" returned false,false expressions will be evaled.

Label System. label system is the way to insert function.

label "String" to: <-->expressions


goto "String"

These are pair. goto "String" insert expressions.

See test.bas
