Home > project-base


Project-base is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PYTHON, it's free.

project-base is a source tree which I use for new Django sites

============ project-base

project-base is a source tree which I use for new Django sites.

It uses pip and virtualenv to install Django, IPython, flup, MySQL-python and ipdb_.

Included is a Django project, which includes jQuery and 960.gs. The settings.py file has been modified to suit my own conventions, and there are some default templates.


. bash - I've not tried the shell scripts with any other shell, so if you're not using bash, proceed at your own risk.

. virtualenv - The bootstrap script requires virtualenv to complete.

. pip - The bootstrap script uses pip to install the project dependencies.


. Checkout the repository

[email protected]:jonatkinson/project-base.git

. Rename the top level folder as appropriate for the name of your project.

. Run the ./bootstrap.sh script. This will install all the dependencies from the requirements.txt file.

. Change the git origin as appropriate.

Other Stuff

. You can run ./requirements.sh at any time to install all the packages in ./requirements.txt.

. There is a very basic Fabfile for really simple deployments. It's designed to work with a Debian Lighttpd installation.

.. _Django: http://www.djangoproject.com/ .. _IPython: http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/ .. _flup: http://trac.saddi.com/flup .. _MySQL-python: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python/ .. _ipdb: http://trac.gotcha.python-hosting.com/file/bubblenet/pythoncode/ipdb/README.txt?format=txt .. _jQuery: http://jquery.com/ .. _960.gs: http://960.gs/