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Project-tags is a project mainly written in Shell, based on the View license.

Manage ctags files for Maven-controlled projects

mktags is a script that generates TAGS files for Maven-managed projects with Eclipse .project/.classpath files.

Along with some vim script magic, you can make vim use the tags files for only the current Eclipse project and its dependency jars.

To set up:

1) Make sure 'projroot' is in your $PATH. 2) Put the following in your ~/.vimrc:

" Find the git root, if there is one, and strip any leading/trailing whitespace. let curProjRoot = system("projroot") let curProjRoot = substitute(curProjRoot, "^s+", "", "g") let curProjRoot = substitute(curProjRoot, "[s]+$", "", "g") let curProjRoot = substitute(curProjRoot, " ", "", "g") let curProjRoot = substitute(curProjRoot, " ", "", "g")

let fullTagList = strlen(curProjRoot) ? system("cat " . curProjRoot . "/.taglist") : "~/src/git/tags ~/src/tags" " 'set tags' will tokenize the spaces properly only if we use 'set'. " Simply doing 'let &tags=...' won't properly pick up multiple tags " files. execute "set tags=" . fullTagList

3) Run mktags.sh -d , or cd && mktags.sh

This works for projects that use Maven to control their artifacts, and have Eclipse projects generated by 'mvn eclipse:eclipse'. I use this with eclim (www.eclim.org) to use Eclipse-like features like code autocomplete and online syntax checking, but with a vim frontend.

The script snippet for your ~/.vimrc will ensure that if your project is controlled by Eclipse, it will recursively seek toward the root of your project (the parent dir of .classpath) and look for the .taglist file present there (generated by mktags.sh).

You can use the "gitroot" program instead of "projroot" to find a .taglist file in the parent directory of .git/, the root of your git repository.


If one of your Maven projects depends on another Maven project, you should configure the dependency to publish a source jar when you 'mvn install'. To do this, add the following to your pom:


Then run mvn:install again. There will be a a (project)-(ver)-sources.jar installed in ~/.m2/repository/. A subsequent execution of mktags.sh will use sources from this file.