Home > ProjectTag


ProjectTag is a project mainly written in PYTHON and VIM SCRIPT, it's free.

This plugin aims at generating tags for a whole project.

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3219

This plugin is aimed at generating tags for a whole project. Exuberant Ctags is required for this plugin: http://ctags.sourceforge.net/ This plugin is quite useful when used with omnicomplete plugins, such as OmniCppComplete(vimscript #1520), pythoncomplete(vimscript #1542), javacomplete(vimscript #1785). vim must be compiled with python support for this plugin to run. At least python 2.4 is required. Python 3.x is not supported currently.

For C/C++ projects, there's no need to generate a seperate tag file for the included header files any more! This plugin will also parses the header files cited in your source code, so a tag file providing information of all sources files in your project and header files included in your sources would be generated.

This plugin could also generate tags in background by using python multithread library, so your editing work would not be blocked when generating tag files.

The following is a short tutorial.

First, enter your project root directory, for example /home/user/myproject. Then create a project file, the file name must be "project.prom". Edit this file. Copy the following content to this file:

[general] sources=source1,source2,... include_dirs=include_dir1,include_dir2,... tagprog=ctags_command tagflag=--your-tag-flags

Replace source1,source2,... with your source file, such as main.c, src/foo.cpp;

replace include_dir1,include_dir2,... with your include directories, such as /usr/include, /usr/local/include (not required for non C/C++ project, in fact, even for C/C++ project, it is also optional);

replace ctags_command with your ctags command, such as ctags, /usr/bin/ctags;

replace --your-tag-flags with your tag flags, such as --extra=+q.

For example, for the following source tree:

  • src/ main.cpp foo.cpp bar.cpp
  • include/ foo.h bar.h

The project file could be like the following:

[general] sources=src/main.cpp, src/foo.cpp, src/bar.cpp include_dirs=./include,/usr/include tagprog=ctags tagflag=--extra=+q --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS

Then save the file.

Use vim to open a source file, such as foo.cpp. Use the command ":GenProTags" to generate the tag file(this might be some kind of slow). if you don't want to be blocked when generating the tag file, use ":GenProTagsBg" instead. This will generate the tag file in background.

Make sure that your project path does not contain spaces, or it wouldn't work.

If you find any bug, please report it to [email protected], or submit it on the issue tracker: https://bitbucket.org/xuhdev/projecttag/issues

Repository: https://bitbucket.org/xuhdev/projecttag

Follow xuhdev on twitter if you are interested in my development: http://twitter.com/xuhdev