Home > Projmgr


Projmgr is a project mainly written in VIM SCRIPT and PERL, it's free.

A fancy way of using 'session'

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=279

This plugin provides a more easy to use interface for the Vim session feature.

I wrote it first only for my own needs. I have a bunch of small projects lying around on my hard disk. I would like to load a whole project, play around with it, switch to another if I like, or simply unload it.

This plugin provide a menu system for 'Load', 'Unload' 'Switch to' a project(session). None-menu-driven version is not available at the moment.

This version is for Linux only. I am still struggling to get a Win32 version done.

A screenshot (333879 in size) at: http://www.geocities.com/wzhliang/vim/image/fullscreen1.png
