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Prosty is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

💾 2011 - Prosty is Konscript’s inhouse project management system, currently under development. Developed by Konscript.

Version: 0.2.1 alpha

Prosty is Konscript's inhouse project management system, currently under development. Built on the CakePHP framework with heavy use of AJAX (jQuery) for visual gimmicks.

Contributors: Søren Louv-Jansen and Lasse Boisen Andersen perform as both core developers and coordinators.

Requirements: Preferably PHP5 and MySQL on an Apache server with mod_rewrite enabled (more on http://book.cakephp.org/view/28/Requirements).


  1. Download/fork/fetch the full repository from GitHub
  2. Create a MySQL database from scheme: app/config/schema/db-schema.default.sql
  3. Change configuration settings in app/config/database.php and app/config/core.php (if needed)
  4. Login with the predifined admin user (secret for now ;))