Home > psPageableFormPlugin


PsPageableFormPlugin is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the MIT license.

Provide simple to use pageable (multipage) forms in symfony 1.2.x, 1.3.x and 1.4.x.


This plugin provides simple to use pageable form functionality.

Usually multipage forms are implementing by big if/switch instruction in the controller or single action for each step. By this plugin, you can create pageable form with one if instruction ("if(form is fully valid)") and in single, very simple action, which looks like standard form maniplate action. This plugin also provides more sophisticated features as adding forms in runtime (adding form's steps according to values from previous steps), merging multipage forms and in the future - embed multipage forms.

Forms created by this plugin are flexible and easier in maintaining. Adding steps, changing order of the steps, adding new fields, changing source of form's persistance are very simple.

Core of this plugin hasn't dependencies with symfony components. If you use only symfony form subframework, this plugin will works fine, but remember, you should write your own persistance strategy which implements psPageableFormPersistanceStrategy.


Simple sample code:

  • form definition:

      class MyPageableForm extends psPageableForm
          public function setup()
              //set name format for all forms
              $flag = false;
              //If $flag is false, name format will be merged with global pageable form name format.              
              //for example: name format for SampleForm is 'sample_form[%s]'
              //merged name format will be 'form[sample_form][%s]', if $flag equals false
              //otherwise name format will be 'form[%s]'              
              $this->setUseGlobalNamespace($flag); //must be set before addForm/addForms/setForm/setForms methods call!
              $this->addForm(new SampleForm(array(), array(), false));//disable csrf protection for all forms except last
              $this->addForm(new SampleForm(array(), array(), false));//form for second page
              //add form via passing creation data, form object will be created if necessary
                  'class' => 'SampleForm',
                  'arguments' => array(array(), array(), false),//array of construct's arguments
              $this->addForm('SampleForm');//pass only class name
      class SampleForm1 extends sfForm
          //class definition
  • In action:

      $form = new MyPageableForm();
      //set persistance strategy
      $form->setPersistanceStrategy(new psPageableFormSessionPersistanceStrategy($this->getUser()));
      $processOptions = array(
          'formParameterName' => 'form' //parameter of $reqeust->getParameter() method
      //create and execute form processing
      $process = new psPageableFormProcess($form, $request, processOptions);
          //save and redirect
      $this->form = $form;
  • In template:

      <form action="?step=<?php echo $form->getCurrentPageNumber() + 1 ?>" method="post">
          <?php echo $form->getCurrentForm() ?> 
          <?php if($form->getCurrentPageNumber() > 1): ?>
              <!-- navigation doesn't work with post persistance strategy -->
              <a href="?step=<?php echo $form->getCurrentPageNumber() ?>">Back</a>
          <?php endif; ?>
          <input type="submit" value="next" />

Another example:

  • Form with conditional steps:

      class MyPageableForm extends psPageableForm
          public function setup()
              //add only forms, which should be display for all use cases
              $this->addForm(new Form1());
              $this->addForm(new Form2());
              $this->addForm(new Form4());
          public function bind(array $taintedValues = null, array $taintedFiles = null)
              if($this->shouldBeForm3Set($taintedValues) && !$this->isFormSet(3, 'Form3'))
                  $this->setForm(3, new Form3());
              parent::bind($taintedValues, $taintedFiles);
          private function shouldBeForm3Set($values)
              return (isset($values['form1']['someForm1Value']) && $values['form1']['someForm1Value'] == 'exceptedValue');
          private function isFormSet($page, $formClass)
              return $this->getForm($page) instanceof $formClass;

Pageable form merging:

  • class definitions [php] class PageableForm1 extends psPageableForm { public function setup() { $this->setNameFormat('pageableForm1[%s]'); $this->setUseGlobalNamespace(false);

              $this->addForm(new Form1());//name format of Form1 is form1[%s]
              $this->addForm(new Form2());
      class PageableForm2 extends psPageableForm
          public function setup()
              $this->addForm(new Form3());
              $this->addForm(new Form4());
                              //merge with another pageable form. Name formats are also merged, for example
                              //name format of Form1 will be 'pageableForm2[pageableForm1][form1][%s]'.
                              //Form PageableForm2 has 4 subforms on 4 pages.
                              $this->mergeForm(new PageableForm1());