Home > psScmTools


PsScmTools is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

psScmTools is a set of Windows Powershell scripts developed to do just enough to support adding useful source control information to the Powershell prompt.

psScmTools collects information for Subversion, Mercurial, and Git.


profile: Powershell profile that loads a sample custom prompt psScmPrompt: custom Powershell prompt configured to display SCM info psScmTools: a set of functions that collects and output SCM info

Drop these files into %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowershell\ to see a how the scripts work. Change the current working directory to one that contains source-controlled files. The Powershell prompt will update to contain information about the type of source control, any branch or tag information, and information about the status of the working copy.

Note: Subversion operations are very slow on large working copies. Updating the prompt in Subversion directores can take a few seconds.
