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Puelia is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

PHP implementation of Linked Data API

Puelia is primarily hosted (for now at least) at http://code.google.com/p/puelia-php/source/checkout

Requirements are php 5.2, with php_xsl, lib_curl, and mod_rewrite and htaccess override enabled. If you want caching of page views, you need memcache (see: http://www.php.net/manual/en/memcache.installation.php). SPARQL query responses are currently cached in the filesystem.

Save your configuration file as turtle with a .ttl extension in "api-config-files/"

Puelia will create some directories for logging and caching the first time you run it, but the directory it is installed in needs to be writable by the webserver.

To run the unit tests, make sure PHPUnit is installed and in path. and run tests/puelia-runtests.php

lda.inc.php contains constants which control caching behaviour

Moriarty is the PHP library (included) that Puelia uses to make requests to SPARQL endpoints. It can cache the responses it gets.

MORIARTY_ALWAYS_CACHE_EVERYTHING, if defined, ensures that all successful responses from upstream servers will be cached

See http://code.google.com/p/moriarty for more information on moriarty's caching capabilities.
