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Pulverize is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Micro-framework aware build tool

pulverize - Micro-framework aware build tool

Tired of bloating your latest javascript library with the same code that is already included in many micro-frameworks just because you don't want your library to have any dependencies? Add pulverize to your build process and let your users decide what's included!

Let's say your library needs isFunction() and isString(). Underscore provides these. So does jQuery. You know that 99% of the time, the users of your library will also be using underscore, jquery, zepto, YAHOO.lang, or whatever. But you don't know which one, and you want to let people use it without any dependencies.

If you are looking for production code, you'll have to come back later. This is currently just the beginnings of an idea and no code is available yet.

The Idea

Code will be replaced inline during the build process. However, the raw, unprocessed code must be able to run without building it first.

Tools to consider using:

  • uglify
  • smoosh
  • commander.js

Will have a pulverize executable that will look for a pulverize.json configuration file in the current directory when run. A path to the config file can be passed as a command line parameter. The config file will declare which micro-framework combinations should be built for. A preliminary config file:

  "VERSION": "0.0.1",
  "NAME": "mylib",
  "IN_DIR": "./src",
  "DIST_DIR": "./dist",
  "BUILDS": {
    "underscore": {
      libs: ["underscore"]
    "jquery": {
      libs: ["jquery"]
    "jqund": {
      libs: ["jquery","underscore"]

The order libraries are specified in the config file is important and creates the precendence for which function from which framework is used. The config above would create the following files. There would also be an options to uglify the files as well.


Need to build an object containing the functions that you utilize in your library. Provide default implementations for all of them. Override the defaults for various micro-frameworks. If an override is not specified, then the default will be included and used. Perhaps something like this?

PULVERIZE = new Pulverize ['jquery','underscore'],
    isFunction: (obj) ->
      obj and obj.call and obj.apply
    isObject: (obj) ->
      cons = obj.constructor
      cons and 'Object' == cons.name
    isString: (obj) ->
      !!(obj == "" or (obj and obj.charCodeAt and obj.substr))    
    isFunction: _.isFunction
    isObject: _.isObject
    isString: _.isString
    isFunction: $.isFunction

This creates a Pulverize instance by passing an array of libs and an object containing the functions required by your project. The constructor will add the appropriate functions to the PULVERIZE instance based on the array of libs passed to the contstructor. Hopefully you will be able to call PULVERIZE whatever you want and that the uglify AST will allow us to find new Pulverize and determine the name of the variable it is being assigned to. This variable is needed later so that uses in your project code can be replaced.

Assume your project code is this:

getUrl = (url) ->
  return url if PULVERIZE.isString url
  return url() if PULVERIZE.isFunction url
  throw 'Invalid URL'

And you build your project:


Perhaps allow command line options to build your project with specific frameworks?

pulverize --lib jquery
pulverize --lib jquery --lib underscore

The resulting code after pulverize is run in default mode would be:

  isFunction: (obj) ->
    obj and obj.call and obj.apply
  isObject: (obj) ->
    cons = obj.constructor
    cons and 'Object' == cons.name
  isString: (obj) ->
    !!(obj == "" or (obj and obj.charCodeAt and obj.substr))    

getUrl = (url) ->
  return url if PULVERIZE.isString url
  return url() if PULVERIZE.isFunction url
  throw 'Invalid URL'

However, if pulverize is run with both jquery and underscore, then the following would be generated:

getUrl = (url) ->
  return url if _.isString url
  return url() if $.isFunction url
  throw 'Invalid URL'

The order libraries are specified in the config file or on the command line will create the precendence for which function is used. Because jquery is specified first, the function $.isFunction is retained instead of _.isFunction.

Note that we have actually removed code from the output. If no default functions are needed, then the entire PULVERIZE object is never included.

Will probably need to use uglify's AST to accomplish much of this.


The method signature of helper functions in different micro frameworks might vary. Need to figure out a way to map from the default method signature to the method signature of each micro-framework.

In other words, if framework A has doSomething(obj,message) and framework B has somethingTodo(message,obj), but they both accomplish the same thing, then we need a way to map method signatures properly.


I see this being helpful for I18N and L10N. For instance, the jQuery UI DatePicker has functions to formatDate() and parseDate. There are other frameworks that have similar functions. By using pulverizer, all of the code in your project to parse dates could be excluded if the user is using jquery-ui, date.js, or such.

Would be nice

Doing some kind of "feature detection" on the browser would be cool, but I'm not sure how practical it would be. This would probably involve some sort of small "loader" library that would detect what libraries were available on the client. It would then request the appropriate version of your application based on this information. Again, this needs to be thought through more, as the user could just make sure to put the right version in the <script> tag.
