Home > puppet-cacti


Puppet-cacti is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Rudimentary support for managing Cacti with Puppet

Rudimentary support for managing Cacti with Puppet. It pokes the database directly as while the Cacti CLI scripts are probably sufficient for adding new hosts/graphs/... they don't have any support for changing or removing them.

Currently only hosts/devices are managed right now. A minimum TODO list would be also managing graphs created for each host and making them visible in the graph trees. Creating graph templates is probably the lowest priority purely because the resource type is likely to be so hideously complex.

The database code is a bit of a mess and the whole thing has been written mostly by trial and error but it seems to work for my handful of devices.

This has been tested only on CentOS 5.x with the cacti package from the EPEL repository which is currently 0.8.7f.
