Home > puppet-openbsd


Puppet-openbsd is a project mainly written in RUBY and PERL, it's free.

Extensions to and replacements for the default openbsd providers in Puppet.


This module replaces the openbsd package provider supplied with Puppet. By interfacing directly with the OpenBSD package library, this module's package provider allows for greater specificity when installing and removing packages.


Like the default openbsd package provider, this provider uses the :source parameter to set the PKG_PATH when interacting with the OpenBSD package tools (pkg_add, pkg_delete). Unlike the default provider, however, this provider uses package specifications (see packages-specs(7) on OpenBSD), not package stems, to select packages for installation or removal. This allows you to choose the flavor, version or even version range you wish to install or remove.

For example:

package { "python->=2.6,<2.7": alias => "python2.6" }

In this example, any version of Python that's greater than 2.6 and less than 2.7 will be installed. You can also specify which package flavor to install or remove:

package { "vim-*-no_x11": ensure => present }

Here, any version of Vim that was built for systems without X11 will be installed. Packages with name parameters that are not valid OpenBSD package specifications will result in no match; the following, for example, is incorrect:

package { "vim": ensure => present }

Instead, to select any set of flavors or versions, use a double dash:

package { "vim--": ensure => present }