Home > puppet_starter_kit


Puppet_starter_kit is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.


On the machine you want to configure, run the following as root

hostname 'rice.yourcompany.org' # this tells puppet which configuration to use

mkdir /etc/puppet
cd /etc/puppet
git clone https://github.com/huyng/puppet_starter_kit.git .

bash bootstrap.sh

Running the puppet configuration again

Add this this function to your /etc/profile

function puppetapply {
    export PUPPETLIB=/etc/puppet/modules
    puppet apply /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp

Now whenever you've made changes to /etc/puppet you can re-run puppet by running puppetapply

Instructions for allocating new machines

Add a new "node" entry into manifests/nodes.pp. Here's an example:

node '<YOUR NODE NAME>' {

    include redis
    include supervisord
    include nginx
    include apache

    # include more modules here ...


Helpful links
