Home > PusherChat-iPhone


PusherChat-iPhone is a project mainly written in OBJECTIVE-C and C, it's free.

An iPhone client for the PusherChat-Rails example app, using libPusher

PusherChat for iPhone

This is a small iPhone app that demonstrates the use of the libPusher library for communicating with the Pusher real-time messaging service.

It acts as a client to PusherChat-Rails app, a small example chat app written in Ruby on Rails and using Pusher for messaging.

Building from source

You will need a running instance of my PusherChat-Rails fork. This fork adds a few extra APIs for the iPhone app.

After cloning the project, you will need to initialise all of the project submodules:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Finally, you'll need to create a file in the PusherChat-iPhone directory called PusherSettings.h which contains your Pusher API settings. It should look something like this:

#define kPUSHER_APP_ID  123
#define kPUSHER_API_KEY @"your-api-key"
#define kPUSHER_SECRET  @"your-secret"

Finally, you may need to modify the PusherChat kPUSHER_CHAT_SERVICE_URL constant in the app delegate to match the running instance of PusherChat-Rails on your local machine.

At this stage, you should be good to go.
