Home > pyblio-core-1.3


Pyblio-core-1.3 is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

pyblio-core-devel-1.3 repository

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This is the core API of the pybliographer framework. It provides classes for managing bibliographic databases (storage, query, conversion, formatting,...)

= Getting started =

Once the package is installed (see below), you can use the following entry points to learn how it works:

  • the examples/ directory contains a few simple scripts with comments

  • the reference manual is available in HTML format in the doc/ directory.

= Installation =

This package uses easy_install, and should fetch some dependencies itself (except for the ones listed below).

== Requirements ==

  • python >= 2.3

  • ElementTree and cElementTree (http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm)

  • numpy >= 1.0b1 (http://numpy.scipy.org/)

== Optional dependencies ==

  • In order to use the bsddb store, you need a recent pybsddb version (>= 4.3.3) (http://pybsddb.sourceforge.net/)

    WARNING: the latest python version at that time (2.4.2) has not yet the requested version of pybsddb.

  • In order to run external queries (to the Web of Science for instance), you need to install Twisted (http://twistedmatrix.com/).

== Global installation ==

Once the required dependencies are installed, you can install this package in the standard place with the following commands in the directory containing this README:

python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install

== Developer mode ==

If you use pybliographer for your own developments and need to modify pybliographer itself, you can run

sudo python setup.py develop

This will ensure that when you import Pyblio, you'll get the version in your working directory. No need to play with your PYTHONPATH anymore.
