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Pycloc is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Simple commandline Python OAuth Client


pycloc is a Python-based OAuth 1.0a client, aimed at being straightforward to use, in the same way as cURL.


pycloc requires Python 2.5+ (possibly works on 2.4, but untested), httplib2 and PyYAML.

Twitter Quickstart

  1. Register your application with Twitter to get a consumer key and secret.

  2. Obtain your request token:

    pycloc 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token' -a 'oauth_callback=oob' --request-token -k $CONSUMER_KEY -K $CONSUMER_SECRET
  3. This will then give you a requst token and secret.

  4. Visit https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=$TOKEN to authorize the application and obtain a verifier PIN.

  5. Obtain your access token:

    pycloc https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token --access-token -V $VERIFIER_PIN
  6. Make requests against the API:

    pycloc 'http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/home_timeline.xml'
    pycloc 'http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.xml' -p -a 'status=Testing pycloc now. Does it work?'

Basic Walkthrough

  1. Register your application and get a consumer key and secret

  2. Do one of the following:

    1. Include -k $CONSUMER_TOKEN -K $CONSUMER_SECRET in the first call for a host (e.g. the request_token call). pycloc will save them thereafter.

    2. Place them into your ~/.pyclocrc using the hostname of the target API.

          consumer-secret: $MY_CONSUMER_SECRET
          consumer-token: $MY_CONSUMER_TOKEN
  3. Obtain your request token:

    pycloc http://api.example.com/oauth/request_token --request-token
  4. This will then give you a request token and secret, and an authorize URL (based on the request_token URL -- adapt as necessary).

  5. Visit the authorize URL, authorize the application and obtain a verifier.

  6. Obtain your access token:

    pycloc http://api.example.com/oauth/access_token --access-token -V $VERIFIER
  7. Make requests against the API:

    pycloc http://api.example.com/v1/get_data
    pycloc http://api.example.com/v1/post_something -p -a 'foo=bar' -a 'bz=quux'