Home > pyev2


Pyev2 is a project mainly written in C and PYTHON, it's free.

pyev2 is Python C extension wrapper around libev. Heavily based (initially copy-pasted) on pyev library by Malek Hadj-Ali see http://code.google.com/p/pyev/


pyev2 is Python C extension wrapper around libev.

This module is heavily based (initially copy-pasted) on pyev library by Malek Hadj-Ali.


* pyev2 supports Python2, while pyev is Py3k only

* no libev patches, no libev source in pyev2 source tree

* no implicit `ev_default_destroy()` because it led to crashes in some cases.
  Use `ev2.destroy_default()` if you know what you're doing.

* some integer sign fixes

* watcher `.active`, `.pending` attributes have 'is' prefix (`.is_active`, `.is_pending`)

* `__version__` contains only pyev2 version.
  `ev2.libev_version` attribute has libev headers version

* `abi_version` is module attribute (function in pyev)

* docutils (rst2html) friendly doc-strings

* types defined in separate .h file

* @null@ and @unused@ splint annotations (doesn't help much, actually)


pyev2 by Sergey Shepelev [email protected].

Many thanks to Malek Hadj-Ali for his great original work (pyev).


pyev2 is under MIT license. Text is included in file LICENSE.
