Home > pyfacedetect


Pyfacedetect is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

pydetectfaces - Thin wrapper around OpenCV (http://opencv.willowgarage.com) for detection and marking faces in images The module can be used as API or in console for testing purposes. For usage and options: $python pyfacedetect.py -h

== General Info == pydetectfaces - Thin wrapper around OpenCV (http://opencv.willowgarage.com) for detection and marking faces in images

The module can be used as API or in console for testing purposes. For usage and options: $python pyfacedetect.py -h ==== Sample input ==== {{http://i.imgur.com/5Lq4O.jpg|Sample Input}} ==== Sample output ==== {{http://i.imgur.com/56aTg.jpg|Sample Output}} ==== Json output ==== {{{


[{"y": 205, "x": 104, "height": 35, "neighbors": 29, "width": 35}, {"y": 83, "x": 182, "height": 36, "neighbors": 26, "width": 36}, {"y": 6, "x": 359, "height": 34, "neighbors": 23, "width": 34}, {"y": 7, "x": 301, "height": 41, "neighbors": 69, "width": 41}, {"y": 25, "x": 129, "height": 33, "neighbors": 40, "width": 33}, {"y": 32, "x": 427, "height": 30, "neighbors": 7, "width": 30}, {"y": 85, "x": 76, "height": 43, "neighbors": 61, "width": 43}, {"y": 16, "x": 269, "height": 38, "neighbors": 31, "width": 38}, {"y": 40, "x": 335, "height": 41, "neighbors": 46, "width": 41}, {"y": 61, "x": 292, "height": 41, "neighbors": 46, "width": 41}, {"y": 84, "x": 137, "height": 34, "neighbors": 20, "width": 34}, {"y": 93, "x": 338, "height": 35, "neighbors": 26, "width": 35}, {"y": 205, "x": 400, "height": 38, "neighbors": 46, "width": 38}, {"y": 21, "x": 160, "height": 44, "neighbors": 63, "width": 44}, {"y": 25, "x": 229, "height": 35, "neighbors": 19, "width": 35}, {"y": 36, "x": 207, "height": 33, "neighbors": 8, "width": 33}, {"y": 106, "x": 394, "height": 40, "neighbors": 28, "width": 40}, {"y": 131, "x": 176, "height": 36, "neighbors": 17, "width": 36}, {"y": 141, "x": 104, "height": 37, "neighbors": 28, "width": 37}, {"y": 182, "x": 364, "height": 32, "neighbors": 4, "width": 32}, {"y": 223, "x": 172, "height": 50, "neighbors": 79, "width": 50}, {"y": 15, "x": 2, "height": 40, "neighbors": 24, "width": 40}, {"y": 32, "x": 460, "height": 37, "neighbors": 8, "width": 37}, {"y": 45, "x": 378, "height": 44, "neighbors": 53, "width": 44}, {"y": 88, "x": 260, "height": 41, "neighbors": 26, "width": 41}, {"y": 162, "x": 32, "height": 38, "neighbors": 13, "width": 38}, {"y": 220, "x": 223, "height": 43, "neighbors": 25, "width": 43}, {"y": 225, "x": 335, "height": 47, "neighbors": 47, "width": 47}, {"y": 8, "x": 87, "height": 43, "neighbors": 14, "width": 43}, {"y": 39, "x": 40, "height": 43, "neighbors": 16, "width": 43}, {"y": 83, "x": 0, "height": 37, "neighbors": 7, "width": 37}, {"y": 96, "x": 460, "height": 37, "neighbors": 6, "width": 37}, {"y": 108, "x": 214, "height": 42, "neighbors": 16, "width": 42}, {"y": 131, "x": 306, "height": 38, "neighbors": 4, "width": 38}, {"y": 231, "x": 274, "height": 50, "neighbors": 18, "width": 50}, {"y": 166, "x": 446, "height": 45, "neighbors": 6, "width": 45}, {"y": 240, "x": 63, "height": 50, "neighbors": 14, "width": 50}] }}}

The module consists of 2 classes: OcvDetector that wraps OpenCV Api for face detection and can be used bare without the helper methods for loading images, marking faces, or getting human friendly output

FaceDetect - full feature class that extends OcvDetector and adds helper
methods for loading/marking/outputing/saving images and dumping faces in

You can enable scaning for profiles for quantity of faces by setting SCAN_FOR_PROFILES to True. That, however will give some overlapping rectangles.

Try and tweak MIN_FACE_SIZE, HAAR_SCALE and MIN_NEIGHBORS so you can change the accuracy of the detection. For more info, read http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/python/objdetect_cascade_classification.html

For speed, all images above 1000width or 1000h are scaled to 1000w or 1000h max.

== API Usage == {{{


face_detect = new FaceDetect()

face_detect.image_from_file(file_name)#load from file

face_detect.image_from_input(input_id)#load 1 frame from video input

face_detect.detect_faces()#stores faces in local list

face_detect.overlay_image(rgb_border = (255,0,0), width = 2) #overlays original image with rectangles around detected faces.

face_detect.to_json()#returns json string with faces rectangles

face_detect.output_image()#shows image in window

face_detect.save_image(file_name)#saves overlaid image to file_name


== Dependencies ==

OpenCV 2.1+

