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Pygab is a project mainly written in Python, based on the View license.

Python based Jabber bot framework

PyGab - A Python Jabber Framework

PyGab was born from Perry Lorier's Google Talk: Conference Bot and looks to be modularly extensible, making extensive use of plugins (Work In Progress).



  • Python >= 2.5

  • Dependancies below this point are included with the source.

  • XMPPPy 0.4.2 http://xmpppy.sourceforge.net

  • Dict4Ini 0.9.5 http://dict4ini.googlecode.com

  • Argparse 0.9.0 http://argparse.python-hosting.com

Installing & Running

Bots are separated into (.py, //) pairs:

ex: gbot.py, /gbot/

Module specific code stored in it's folder:

ex: /gbot/plugins/

Templates for each module's various ini files are stored in /templates/:

ex: /templates/-config.ini

When running a bot for the first time you'll need to copy all templates to the module's folder and strip "-" from the front of them. You are then free to make any adjustments you like. This will eventually be automatic.

To run a bot just execute it's .py file in the root folder:

ex: python gbot.py
