Home > PyMailingList


PyMailingList is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Mailing list written in python that works over IMAP

PyMailingList is designed to meet a particular need that I had - a mailing list that will work with any mail server and will do the following: 1 - Allow arbitrary users to subscribe/unsubscribe the list via email 2 - Keep an archive of all discussions that is searchable from a website 3 - Prevent abuse by limiting email size

CONFIGURATION Configuration is done by modifying the config.example and copying it to config.txt. There are several options divided into sections:

* hostname - The hostname of the IMAP server to connect to
* port - The port on which to communicate with the IMAP server
* ssl - Whether or not to use SSL with the IMAP server

* hostname - The hostname of the SMTP server to connect to
* port - The port on which to communicate with the SMTP server
* ssl - Whether or not to use SSL with the SMTP server

* username - The username to use when logging in
* password - The password to use when logging in

* username - The username to use when logging in
* password - The password to use when logging in

* name - The name that the bot will use when responding to emails
* address - The address to be added to emails sent by the bot