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Pyramid_metatg is a project mainly written in Python, based on the Security policy.

TurboGears2-like object dispatch for Pyramid (example)

TurboGears-like object dispatch for Pyramid

This package provides an example of how someone might create TurboGears-like object dispatch for Pyramid.

TurboGears uses a model whereby a tree of "controllers" is traversed and subsequently one of the methods of the "final" traversed controller is called to return a response. This differs from default Pyramid behavior inasmuch as the objects traversed by the default Pyramid traverser ("resources") are not assumed to have response-generating logic as methods.

Under the default Pyramid traversal regime, after a "context" resource is found via traversal, its job is done. A separate subsystem ("view lookup") takes over after the context resource has been found. View lookup is handed the context object; its responsibility is to find a view callable by introspecting the type of the context resource and matching it against a separate registry of view functions / methods / instances. It then invokes the view callable, which returns a response.

TurboGears conflates the traversal and view lookup steps as "object dispatch". Thus, in order to emulate TG-style object dispatch, the Pyramid traverser is replaced with one that returns a controller and a default view is registered against all Controller objects; this default view finds the "right" method of the returned controller to use to generate a response and calls it.

This package provides an alternate traverser, a view implementation that is used for all Controller objects resulting from traversal , and a paster template that allows you to try out the result from end-to-end.

Trying it out

  1. python setup.py install

  2. paster create -t pyramid_metatg myproject

  3. cd myproject

  4. python setup.py develop

  5. paster serve development.ini

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