Home > pyramidongae


Pyramidongae is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

A simple demonstration of using Pyramid on Google App Engine.

========================= Setting up Pyramid on GAE

This project demonstrates how to use Buildout to set up a sane development environment for developing and deploying Pyramid apps on Google App Engine.

See http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/1.0/index.html for information about Pyramid.

See http://www.buildout.org/ for information on Buildout.

This app is one of the simplest possible, serving up 'Hello, World!' at '/', and 'Goodbye, World!' at '/goodbye'.

Running the application out of the box

Build and run the application::

$ python2.5 bootstrap.py --distribute $ ./bin/buildout $ ./bin/dev_appserver parts/pyramidongae

Then access the application using a web browser with the following URL::


Uploading and managing

To upload application files, run::

$ ./bin/appcfg update parts/pyramidongae

For a more detailed documentation follow this url::
