Home > PySub20


PySub20 is a project mainly written in C and PYTHON, it's free.

A SWIG wrapper for the Sub-20 C library

PySub20 - Python library for libsub



  • Libusb-1.0
  • Python 2.7 (other versions may work as well, untested)
  • Swig 1.3
  • gcc

In order to build PySub20 you may need to edit a few things in the 'makeswig' file, which, for now, replaces a make file

makeswig consists of the following commands:

swig -python -outdir ./ -o ./lib/libsub_wrap.c ./lib/libsub.i

This creates the libsub wrapper and the python libsub library

gcc -c -w -fPIC ./lib/libsub.c ./lib/libsub_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.7 -I./lib -DLIBUSB_1_0

This compiles the libsub library and its wrapper. If your include path for Python is different from /usr/include/python2.7 you will need to change it.

gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libsub.so -lusb-1.0 -o _libsub.so ./lib/libsub.o ./lib/libsub_wrap.o

Creates the shared library which is used by the Python library. If your library reference is called something different from usb-1.0 then change it.

Once built, just use the folder as a module in your application or add it to your Python path, in leu of a distutils setup.
