Home > pyTHANE


PyTHANE is a project mainly written in PYTHON and SHELL, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

The Hardcore Almighty Naev Editor in Python!

pyTHANE 0.5.0 - An Asset Editor For Naev by Cypher

Licensed under GPLv3

pyTHANE lets you graphically edit the asset.xml file in naev, adding new planets/stations and editing their parameters.

Currently, you can edit the name, description, bar description, virtual status (true/false), services, and landing/exterior pictures.


Python 2.6 or better lxml qt4 pyqt4

pyuic4 (only if you want to modify the .ui files with Qt Designer, this is needed to compile them into .py files)

For windows, you can get qt and pyqt by installing pyqt:

PyQt-Py2.7-x86-gpl-4.8.4-1.exe (or 2.6 if you have that version of Python)

Be sure to set your Naev directory in /src/asset.conf before you launch the program
