Home > python-ardroneapi


Python-ardroneapi is a project mainly written in Python, based on the MIT license.

A standalone pure python api to control the AR.Drone. EXPERIMENTAL and mostly untested!

================= python-ardroneapi

A standalone pure python api to control the Parrot AR.Drone.

.. Warning:: This is highly EXPERIMENTAL and has not been fully tested!


You must be connected to the ad-hoc network of the AR.Drone. Check if the drone can be pinged and if you can connect to it via telnet. By default the drone will be at and will assign your computer the up

If you've not changed anything you can go right ahead and instanciate the Drone without any parameters:

>>> d = Drone()
>>> d.connect() # initiates the socket
>>> d.animate_leds(13) # makes the leds blink.
>>> d.flat_trims() # calibrate drone (make sure it is on a flat horizontal surface first)
>>> d.takeoff()
>>> d.land()