Home > python-days-and-schedules


Python-days-and-schedules is a project mainly written in Python, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Intuitive low level day range and weekly schedule classes

Intuitive abstractions for day ranges and weekly schedules.

Examples (see the doctests below for more): Create a day range and iterate over it: for d in day_range

Slice it (zero-based):

Test for containment: 
    date(2011, 1, 1) in work_schedule
    'Monday' in work_schedule 
    'Fri' in work_schedule
    'U' in work_schedule

print day_range -> "<DayRange 09/01/2009 - 09/04/2009>"
len(day_range) -> 4

Implements a byte serialization format as well as human-readable representations for weekly schedules. Also provides some basic integrity checking of dates and schedules.

Author: Thomas Hamlin [email protected] URL: https://github.com/thomashamlin/python-days-and-schedules
