Home > python-v4l2dvb


Python-v4l2dvb is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Python bindings for V4L2 DVB API

This is a python wrapper for Linux V4L2 DVB API, v5.2 (as of Linux 2.6.36).

WARNING: very little is implemented: only frontend.h has been translated at the time of thjis writing, with an object wrapper only for terrestrial frontend.


  • Python 2.x: http://www.python.org
  • ctypes (built-in python starting from 2.5)
  • v4l2: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/v4l2

Usage - low-level:

from v4l2dvb import frontend import fcntl vd = open('/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0', 'rw') info = frontend.dvb_frontend_info() fcntl.ioctl(self._fd, frontend.FE_GET_INFO, info) 0 info.frequency_max 858000000L info.frequency_min 51000000L

Usage - high-level:

from v4l2dvb import frontend fe = TerrestrialFrontend(open(dev, 'rw')) info = fe.getInfo() info['frequency_max'] 858000000L info['frequency_min'] 51000000L
