Home > QRhymingDictionary


QRhymingDictionary is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

Rhyming dictionary written in QT

General Information

This is rhyming dictionary written in QT.

It requires dictionaries (each dictionary is an simple sqlite-database) - just put them in a directory with a bin-file.

  • You can download some dictionaries from here: http://file391.narod.ru/dict/english_compact.sqlite.7z http://file391.narod.ru/dict/russian_full.sqlite.7z
  • Or you can generate yout own dictionary - put in a directory with an executable file txt-file, where each line represents one word, then open terminal in this directory and put QRhymingDictionary [-n] you can use -n option after txt-file name if you're shure, that there are no repeated lines in your txt-file (in this case dictionary will be created faster) NOTE: creating of the new dictionary takes a very long time (even with -n option it takes about 8 second per 100 words)