Home > qtjambi-for-scala


Qtjambi-for-scala is a project mainly written in SCALA and GROOVY, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

QtJambi with some Scala sugar

QtJambi for Scala

Codename QtScampi, is an attempt to make QtJambi work better with scala, first and foremost to improve the way you connect signals and slot. Signals can be connected to any scala function and is completely type safe. Note that this is still highly experimental. You might experience some threading issues as connection types are not implemented.


Go to Downloads section and get patched QtJambi, qtjambi-4.7.2.jar and qtjambi-extensions-scala-4.7.2.jar


val slot = () => println("slot")

Connecting to method

btn.released.connect(slot _)


The connect method will return the function which was connected to. You must pass this as the argument to disconnect. disconnect returns false if the connection does not exist.


Custom signals

Classes containing custom signal must inherit QSignalEmitter.

  val bar = new Signal1[Int]