Home > QtQuarqd


QtQuarqd is a project mainly written in C and PYTHON, it's free.

Windows-native version of quarqd, a daemon to convert ANT+ USB data to XML on a TCP/IP socket.

QtQuarqd - a native Windows version of Quarqd

This project is based on quarqd (http://opensource.quarq.us/quarqd/) by Mark Rages.

The original source for quarqd is here: http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://opensource.quarq.us/quarqd/quarqd_dist.tar.gz

Major changes are:

  1. A move to Qt for a more portable implementation of TCP sockets.
  2. A move away from using file descriptors to talk to the ANT+ USB stick

This version aims to use the appropriate Windows driver for the Garmin ANT+ USB stick.

This comes in two versions. The older USB1 version uses a SiLabs CP2012 USB-serial chip, and this is addressed using the SiLabs USBXpress driver. The newer USB2 version uses direct USB communication, addressed using the open-source libusb driver.

Both of these drivers are supplied as standard with Garmin's ANT Agent software for using the ANT+ USB stick, available from: http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=3741

Note that the ANT Agent itself must NOT be running in order for QtQuard to work.
