Home > QtUpdater


QtUpdater is a project mainly written in C++ and C, based on the View license.

Library base on QT framework for update binary from a URL

ReadMe for QtUpdater

This project is currently in progress. The aim of the library is to update the binary of a QApplication from a Url.

main.cpp exemple:


include "UpdateManager.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);

UpdateManager manager;



The Url could be for example a php request which return a specific path to a version specify in the request.

A request to this Url should return formatted information as following:

url: http://example.com/of/your/compress/application/ md5: 2e8fcd6fc9e4ee6a577d8cc906267fc8 size: 8313151

Currently the new version application should be compress using "QByteArray::qCompress()" of Qt and finish by .biz
