Home > Quantum-Packages


Quantum-Packages is a project mainly written in PYTHON and SHELL, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Proper packaging for the OpenStack Quantum project

Provides debian and rpm packaging for quantum. It provides 3 packages:

quantum-common quantum-server quantum-client

As well as some plugins.

To install, you have a few options: "sudo python setup.py install" - Installs into /usr/lib, /usr/bin, etc "python setup.py install --user" - Install into $HOME/.local "python setup.py install --venv" - Creates and installs into a virtual-env

You can also run directly out of the source.

To use:

> quantum-server
Will start the server

> quantum list_nets totore
Will list networks on the server

> quantum-tests
Will run the quantum tests

To build rpms: (Note: requires rpmbuild)

python setup.py build rpm

To build debs: (Note: For now, requires rpmbuild and alien)

python setup.py build deb

Verify installation:

Start Quantum server
>> python
>>>> from quantum.client import Client
>>>> c = Client(''), 9696, False, 'tenant-id', 'json')
>>>> print c.list_networks()