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Querydb is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

Sinatra/jQuery mysql database client


QueryDB is a MySQL database browser for the web. QueryDB fixes the pain points in browsing data. Here are the few things QueryDB does to alleviate MySQL querying.

  • Keyboard shortcuts, once learned, is the fastest way to work in an application. Use GMail or Photoshop lately? QueryDB uses Vi-like key bindings.
  • Query history should be very easy to access. QueryDB is built for the web which means history built in with a known model.


  • Ruby 1.9.2
  • Bundler


Get the code:

$ git clone git://github.com/paydro/querydb.git

Copy the database.yml.example

$ cd querydb/config $ cp database.yml.example database.yml

Edit your database.yml to point to the correct MySQL server. Here's what mine looks for my localhost:

# database.yml
hostname: localhost
username: root password:
database: sweet_database

Now start up the app with rackup (or your favorite rack server):

# back up a dir
$ cd ..  $ rackup config.ru

Go to http://localhost:9292 in your browser and query away!

Keyboard Shortcuts

There are three different areas within the application that can be focused: manual query box, database tables, and query results.

n: Next query (same as forward button)
p: Previous query (same as back button)

gt: Focus on the database tables' filter box
gs: Focus on the manual SQL query

h: Move to the left cell in the results area
l: Move to the right cell in the results area
j: Move down one row
k: Move up one row
$: Move to the last cell in the row
0: Move to the first cell in the row

r: Reload current query

v: Expand the current selected row's text columns
V: Expand all text columns in the results
CTRL+V: Hide all text columns in the results

When focused in the query box
CTRL+Enter: Submit query

When focused in the table filter input
Up/Down: Select up/down table
Enter: Show the first 200 records for the table
CTRL-Enter: Describe the table