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Quickdrop is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

HTML5 drag and drop file upload for quick self-hosting and sharing of files.


QuickDrop is an experiment in learning some javascript, jQuery and HTML5. Inspired by FileShuttle for OS X and the imgur upload interface, I got the idea that a self-hosted file upload interface would be an excellent exercise in learning a new thing or five.

I have used Dropbox for quick sharing of temporary files, but that has a few annoyances: you need to find the file you just copied to your Dropbox folder in order to right-click it and get the shared URL, and it will sync to your other computers that run Dropbox. If you just want to quickly share a file, that's not what you want.

The frontend HTML5 and javascript is the exercise here. The upload backend will be written in PHP for maximum accessibility, possibly with backends in other languages added later.

Supported browsers

QuickDrop is developed in OS X using Chrome, which fully supports the requirements. Further browser support will be implemented when the basic functionality is in.

Feature ideas

  • Automatic cleanup of files after X days
  • Short URL generation via various services