Home > Quotable-Quotes


Quotable-Quotes is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Sample Rails Development Work

Quotable Quotes was setup to the following requirements:

Attached is a file that contains a list of people and their quotes. You can safely assume that if a person is listed two or more times that it is the same person.

I would like you to build me a rails app (2.3.8 or rails 3 beta) that allows me to:

* View the people
* View the quotes
* View a person and their quotes
* Add a new quote to a person

Don’t worry too much about the UI, but try and make it something beyond the basic rails scaffolding. Bonus points for using jQuery in some way. Also think of something creative to add beyond the scope of what is listed above.

A MySQL database was used for development. The name of the development database is 'dev_quotable' and it contains two tables. A rake db:migrate should be able to set up the two tables, 'people' and 'quotes', properly. Another rake task, rake db:load_quotes, will initially populate the tables from the 'quotes.txt' file found in the 'public/' folder. jQuery was used to reveal the author for guessing the person responsible for a randomly selected quote. That was the creative function. I didn't have time to work on the RSpecs, so failures will occur if a straight rake is used. The failures come from tests generated against the routing and views from the scaffold generation. I used Rails 2.3.8 for this development.
