Home > rabbitmq_android_test


Rabbitmq_android_test is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Test the rabbitmq client(s) on an android device.


Test the rabbitmq client(s) to fine-tune consuming/publishing messages.


java SE 5+, ant: Included in operating system
android-sdk 1.5+: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
android-ndk (optional): http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html
eclipse + android development tools (optional): http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/eclipse-adt.html


Create a file in the rabbitmq_test directory called local.properties and add the following: sdk.dir=/Users/miguelmorales/Downloads/android-sdk-mac_86

Create another file called build.properties in the same directory and add: sdk-location=/Users/miguelmorales/Downloads/android-sdk-mac_86

Replace the paths to the path of the the android sdk directory.

Compiling + Installing (Emulator/Device):

cd $(rabbitmq_test root dir) 
ant debug
/path/to/android-sdk/tools/adb install -l -r bin/rabbitmq_test-debug.apk

Compiling rabbitmq-c with Android NDK (librabbitmq-android.so):

#configure rabbitmq-c with a 0.8 amqp spec
cd ($rabbitmq_test)
cd jni/rabbitmq-c
autoreconf -i 

#build using android ndk...
cd ($rabbitmq_test)
/path/to/android-ndk/ndk-build -C jni


Press the run button and watch the screen for the test's output.
Though to do anything useful, you'll have to read the log itself using:
adb -d locat


Miguel Morales <[email protected]>

Thanks to:

RabbitMQ/Android/Linux/etc developers!