Home > rabbitmq-tutorial-clojure


Rabbitmq-tutorial-clojure is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

My version of the RabbitMQ tutorial code in clojure using wabbitmq

I ported the first 5 examples from:


into clojure using the WabbitMQ library:


to help me understand how to interact with RabbitMQ using clojure. I wrote a main function to make it a little easier to interact with the samples. Here is what lein run --help produces:

An interface to all of the RabbintMQ tutorials I converted to clojure Options --tut which toturial to run. (hello, work, publish, route, topics) --role which role to play consumer or producer (c,p)

If I wanted to run the producer for the first sample I would start it like so:

lein run --tut hello --role p

and the consumer would be:

lein run --tut hello --role c

I read the tutorials and worked on the clojure code while I read the tutorails while I worked on each of these examples. The tutorials write ups were very helpful. Check them out yourself http://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html